Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Quilt 9 - RT's Remember December

30" X 31" 2001
In 2001 our guild was going to have a guest teacher by the name of Ricky Tims come and teach a 2 day workshop. Only 2 people knew who he was but they said we would really enjoy the workshop and that he would play great music for us while we sewed. Now, I enjoy music right up there with quilting so I signed up for the workshop. The first day we made a Harmonic Convergence quilt. I was making this just for me so instead of the hand dyed fabric like everyone else was bringing I pulled some fabric from my stash that had famous composers' names on it and used it for 1 of my 4 fabrics.

When I had finished my quilt top I knew something needed to be added but I didn't know what. Earlier that day Ricky mentioned that he had once been given 4 notes and asked what he could do with them. He composed "Remember December" which he played for us. Going into the 2nd day of our workshop I knew what I wanted to add to my Harmonic Convergence Quilt top: the 4 notes that start Remember December.

When Ricky came into the workshop that next morning I asked him for those notes and he told me what they were. I quickly wrote them down and tried to figure out how I would put them on the quilt. Karen had been doing lots of reverse appliqué but that black adhesive bias tape had come out on the market. That should make it easier! So the mother daughter team finished the quilt.

Ricky returned the following year for another workshop and mentioned that he was writing a book. He suggested we all send in pictures of our Harmonic Convergence quilts for consideration. I was very excited when my quilt was accepted. This quilt is on page 41 of Ricky Tims’ Convergence Quilts Book published by C & T Publishing, 2003. Now lots of people know who Ricky Tims is, check out http://www.thequiltshow.com/

-posted by Ione

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like that you've included the year the quilt was made, and its dimensions. Nice addition to your archive.